
Founded in 2012 by then Minneapolis-based animator John Akre, MinnAnimate has manifested primarily as a single-screening animation festival. From 2020-2021, the festival went on hiatus, returning in 2022 under the leadership of CC Stanhill. In 2024, the torch was passed to Merit Thursday and Adam Loomis who co-organize it today.

Tome entitled 'Ye Olde Website' published by Akre Stanhill Press

An artist-led festival celebrating animation in Minnesota.

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© 2024 MinnAnimate


Eligible films must—

  • Utilize animation
  • Be produced in the Midwest*
  • Have been completed after August 1st, 2023

The festival prioritizes—

  • Films produced in Minnesota
  • Films by independent animators, students, and youth
*States eligible to participate: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, and Kansas.


  • Submissions are accepted via Film Freeway.*
    • * The 'State/Province' field in the 'Submitter Information' section must be filled
  • The submission deadline is July 19th.
  • There is no entry fee. Submission to the festival is free.


  • The filmmaker(s) must own the rights to all original images, music, sound effects, and soundtracks of their festival entry.
  • Participating filmmakers authorize MinnAnimate to use their publicity material and/or excerpt(s) of the film for promotional purposes.
  • Upon selection, participants may be required to submit high resolution movie files.